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Epiosde 9 recaps for your Sunday reading pleasure:

Uncle Nick calls out a double standard...
JordanBaker met Tim Gunn!
Eric3000 pays a visit to Sarah Palin...
Maxthegirl is Mondolicious...
Laura Bennett's "Craptastic Couture" title is LOL...
Carol Hannah bellies up to the bar...
Second City Style has one for you and you and you...
Katnap has Gretchen and Mondo tied for the lead...
Mellie will not miss The Ivy Show...
Brian is beside himself over Gretchen...
Miz Shoes thinks Swatch stole the show...
Elise is a long time Swatch lover...
c(h)oco chanel has some sound advice...
And Toyouke is always last but never least.

Thank you again recappers for all of your contributions. Until next week!

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